B’Soleil, Inc. announces new strategy that could help stop the spread of the COVID-19.

Current Policy

The current method includes lockdown, masks, mandates, physical distance, vaccine, and testing individuals for COVID-19. Those with positive results are quarantined. Moreover, contact tracing and contact testing are performed. Those contacts are quarantined or ask to self-isolate.

Despite all these efforts since 2020, the virus continues unabated. As long as the virus continues to incubate in people, it’ll mutate and spread.


In addition to the current policy, individuals that test positive for the COVID-19 and their contacts need to use the B’Soleil immune booster supplement that improves the immune defense within a few days. Other products with a similar proven ingredients could be used.

This proactive step could get everyone far ahead of the virus incubation period instead of waiting without any direct defensive interventions. This would greatly minimize or eliminate the risks of infection or reinfection. The B’Soleil immune protection is potent at any point during the early phase of the virus life cycle as long as the infected individual is capable to use it per the instructions.

When this is efficiently performed, the spread of the virus could be contained within weeks.


The Research and Development Team at B’Soleil spent more than a year developing and perfecting this formula using only known and proven ingredients.

Unlike other immune support vitamins, this unique blend of natural ingredients creates a safe and potent combination that boost the body’s immune system to effectively fight against viruses and other illnesses.

The B’Soleil contains a gluten-free, allergen-free, and non-GMO blend of fruits and vegetables including pineapple, lemon, ginger, and lime. This supplement is fortified with bromelain, vitamin C, D, and Zinc.

The anti-inflammatory properties and other ingredients in the B'Soleil are known to powerfully help the immune system to fight against multi-system inflammation which is one of the serious conditions associated with most viruses.

Within only a few days of use, it enhances the immune function and provides advanced defenses against viruses and other illnesses. This formula was developed with fast-acting capabilities to quickly revamp the body’s immune function.

Each vegetable capsule has ingredients known to accelerate the body's healing process, including bromelain, pineapple, and vitamin C.

Visit: https://bsoleil.net/ for more information.