The Arizona Technology Council today announced it has been working alongside other organizations and community leaders as part of the Education Finance Reform Group to advocate for the restoration of Arizona’s education formula. The effort led to Governor Doug Ducey’s proposal to reclaim recession-era education cuts as recently announced in his state of the state address. The Council has long supported education funding and has made it a top legislative priority again in 2018.

“Governor Ducey’s announcement is a big win for the education and technology community,” said Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO, Arizona Technology Council. “To reach our goal of becoming a nationwide technology hub, we must build our talent from the ground up, and that starts with education funding. The restoration of this formula is an important step towards a better tomorrow for our youth and our state.”

During the economic downturn in fiscal year 2009, the state began cutting approximately $371.7 million from the District Additional Assistance. That funding was crucial to schools, as it was used for much-needed items pertaining to curriculum, technology and transportation. In fiscal year 2008, the District Additional Assistance generated $450.76 for each student in preschool through eighth grade and $562.62 for each student in grade levels 9-12. Today, the amounts are $55.53 and $69.31, respectively.

Governor Ducey has proposed a full restoration of $371 million in District Additional Assistance and Charter Additional Assistance to be phased in over five years. If passed, it will begin in fiscal year 2019 with $100 million in funding. These per-pupil dollars will be permanent, flexible and will impact all schools. By fiscal year 2023, the new plan will fully restore Additional Assistance to all public schools. This investment, along with a review of Arizona’s school capital guidelines, will assist in greater capacity and efficiency in managing school facilities.

For more information and details regarding education legislation, please contact Meghaen Dell’Artino, owner of Public Policy Partners, at (602) 200-6777. The Council has also outlined a number of key education legislation it plans to pursue in 2018 in its recently released Public Policy Guide.

About the Arizona Technology Council

The Arizona Technology Council is Arizona’s premier trade association for science and technology companies. Recognized as having a diverse professional business community, Council members work towards furthering the advancement of technology in Arizona through leadership, education, legislation and social action. The Arizona Technology Council offers numerous events, educational forums and business conferences that bring together leaders, visionaries and community members to make an impact on the technology industry. These interactions contribute to the Council’s culture of growing member businesses and transforming technology in Arizona. To become a member or to learn more about the Arizona Technology Council, please visit