AlturaSolutions, a B2B public relations and communications firm, is launching a new marketing service beginning in 2020 called “The Brand Accelerator Program.”

The new program combines a range of services designed to enhance brand exposure quickly, helping many businesses start the new decade off right, with more leads and more sales.

According to Robert Kravitz, president of AlturaSolutions, the key components of the new program include the following:

  • Article placements published in major trade publication
  • Branded articles
  • News stories and advisories distributed to industry specific B2B sectors
  • Automated social media posting to all social media channels, multiple times per day and per month
  • Video production and infographic creation
  • Newsletters and distribution

"We view The Brand Accelerator Program as a marketing solution for our new clients," Kravitz says.

"We have learned over the years that just providing new clients with a couple of services does not get the fast results we want. A package of programs gets more results. Further, our clients earn more sales through more strategic media exposure."

Kravitz says the program is based on the fact that in today's world, no one marketing strategy works. "Years ago, we could place all our marketing eggs in advertising and article placements. It invariably worked, but those days are over."

He adds that one new client witnessed a major jump in web traffic almost as soon as the service began.

"They had three social media channels that had been virtually dormant for years. After just six weeks, we noticed a sizable jump in the number of visitors going to their site. More [web] traffic is the first step in turning visitors into customers."

For more information, visit

About AlturaSolutions Communications

AlturaSolutions is a 17-year-old communications company that has worked with some of the largest and most-respected companies in the professional cleaning, food service, facility management, and related sectors. Based in Chicago, AlturaSolutions Communications publishes articles discussing the value, benefits, and features of its clients’ products and services. The company is a strong believer in the importance and value of trade publications. For more information, visit