AM Best Director Ed Kohlberg will present a session, titled, “AM Best: Innovation — Driving Business Management & Expectations,” at the 2020 PiMA Industry Insights Conference, taking place Jan. 23-26, 2020, at the PGA National Resort in Palm Beach, FL.

AM Best released a draft innovation criteria procedure in March 2019, and recently refined it to increase transparency further in light of industry feedback, as well as to reflect ongoing internal review and analysis. AM Best believes the increased pace of change in society, climate and technology has made innovation increasingly critical to the long-term success of all insurers, and expects innovation to play a greater role in its assessment of companies’ financial strength. Kohlberg will provide a high-level overview of how AM Best rates companies and where the innovation criteria will fit in. He will also address the proposed timeline for this criteria release. The session is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 25, at 11 a.m. (EST).

The 2020 PiMA Industry Insights Conference offers a deep dive into the trends and changes affecting the affinity market landscape, as industry leaders and experts discuss ways to adapt and grow amid the continuing transformation of the market. To learn more about the event, please view the 2020 PiMA Industry Insights Conference website.

AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data provider specializing in the insurance industry. The company does business in more than 100 countries. Headquartered in Oldwick, NJ, AM Best has offices in cities around the world, including London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For more information, visit

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