Today the European Parliament's Agricultural Committee (AGRI) voted on reform proposals to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). ALDE MEPs welcomed the votes in general as a major step towards a more sustainable European agricultural model. However, ALDE condemns the possible double payment for greening and agri-environmental measures and rejects a possible return to failed past policies of heavy market interventions.

Today the European Parliament's Agricultural Committee (AGRI) voted on reform proposals to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). ALDE MEPs welcomed the votes in general as a major step towards a more sustainable European agricultural model. However, ALDE condemns the possible double payment for greening and agri-environmental measures and rejects a possible return to failed past policies of heavy market interventions.

Commenting after the votes, George Lyon MEP (UK, Liberal Democrat), ALDE team leader on the AGRI committee and shadow rapporteur on the direct payments report, said:

"Today's vote is a big step forward towards a more sustainable farming model that can respond to the big challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss by reducing energy, water, nutrient use and GHG Emissions while still making a contribution to food security.

"We are finally moving away from income support without any strings attached. Instead we have begun the move towards a much more targeted funding approach to reward farmers for the public goods they deliver"

ALDE MEP Marit Paulsen (Sweden, Liberal People's Party), who negotiated the CAP dossier on the rural development fund on behalf of ALDE, added:

"Incentivising environmentally friendly farming techniques is an important means to reforming Europe's agriculture. However, paying farmers twice for the same measures is unacceptable and counterproductive. We must address this anomaly when we come to plenary and make it clear that only unique environmental efforts will be eligible for payments." 

Britta Reimers MEP (Germany, FDP), who negotiated the single Common Market Organisation (sCMO) report on behalf of ALDE, said:

"ALDE voted against the proposals on public intervention and private storage aid that threaten a potential return of 'milk lakes' and 'butter mountains' and the like.."


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