SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- During October 29-30, 2013, AndroidWorld Global Developers Conference was grandly held by International Data Group (IDG) in Shenzhen, China. The Conference took "Innovation and Sharing, Mobile and Future" as theme and attracted more than 100 industrial leaders including internet tycoons, terminal manufacturers, telecommunication operators and game developers, more than 5000 professional audience and almost 350 domestic and overseas well-known media onsite. As mobile internet sweeps the globe and touches all areas of human life, AndroidWorld Global Developers Conference has become the latest and coolest "holy land" of Android application technology. With future technological communication, mobile application and promotion and commercial mode discussions on the featured Android industrial platform, the participants had active interaction in various activities, shared mutual view points and searched for mutual development and win-win opportunity. (Photo taken onsite:

All-round Thought Collision of Mobile Internet Industrial Chain

It is reported that the two-day conference launched many special activities, added plentiful keynote speeches, parallel forums, summits, new product releases, technology discussions, innovation competition and highlighted the interaction between innovative technology and the participants. The paramount two-day plenary sessions attracted a large number of industrial celebrities. High-rise of domestic and foreign mobile internet enterprises attended the plenary session on Oct. 29 morning (with the theme of "Android Market in Internet Innovation Melting Pot"), such as Shen Jin, Deputy President of QUALICOMM, Hou Xiaonan, Deputy General Manager of Tencent, Li Weijian, Deputy General Manager of the Business Department I of China Mobile Internet Base, Rong Guoqiang, President of the Consumer-BG Terminal Cloud Business Department of Huawei, Hugo Shong, Standing Vice President of IDG, President in Greater China and Creating Partner of IDG Capital, Wang Jiyang, Deputy President of TCL Group and Chief Operator, Wu Xiongang, President of ARM Greater China and He Yifan, Managing Editor of China Entrepreneur made speeches in succession and carried out deep communication and discussion regarding "Growth and Sustainable Development of Internet Ecologic Ring Value Chain" which absorbed the attraction of the audience at site.

On the second day of the Conference, industrial leading personnel such as Xu Liangjie, Joint President of SINA, Liu Shuang, Marketing Director of Application Store Operation Center of China Telecom, Liu Xiulun, Vice President of Business of Domob, Kan Zhigang, CEO of Bangcle, Ying Shuling, CEO of CMGE, Zou Lei, Joint President of iResearch, Jiang Bing, Senior Product Manager of Qualcomm, Ke Zhixiong, Chinese-version Chief Editor of Fastcompany under 21st Century Business Herald expressed impressive speeches. The speech content that was close to people's daily life created a relaxing and hot onsite atmosphere and won great applause from the audience.

The most wonderful part was the seven open parallel forums with unique styles. Representatives from Tencent, Baidu, Thunder, Limei, Domob and Cyzone carried out fierce discussion and communication regarding present leading and hot problems in mobile internet financing field in different angles and levels such as Application of Android in Cloud, Open and Innovative Business Model, Marketing Platform and Mobility Value, Forum of Mobile Application Distribution of Tencent Open Platform, Mobile-internet Investment, Financing and Entrepreneurship Visionary Summit and Creative Competition of Android APP Development. All-round thought collision and view point exchange greatly benefited the visitors.

Stimulate Technological Innovation and Establish Cooperation Bridge

China has the largest network application worldwide and the most cell phone users, the largest-value mobile communication operators, the cell phone browsers and search engine with the most users worldwide, as well as more and more richer mobile internet products and application service types, it can be considered that the status of mobile internet industry is increasing gradually in China's economic and social development. In the burgeoning mobile internet industry entrepreneurs need to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, and the importance of innovation and optimization has been highly recognized. It has become significant to develop mobile internet at the next stage to apply innovative service ideas in developing various innovation applications.

Always paying close attention to the development of China mobile internet, IDG hopes to develop APP in promising mobile internet market. Therefore, "Creative competition of android APP development" was held during holding the Conference. Since this March, IDG started collecting creative Android APP worldwide and carried out online and offline three round selections. The final high-quality projects would compete on application debut platform of Android World Global Developers Conference under the witness of the globally well-known angel investors and industrial leaders.

In the society full of fierce competition, assistance power is extremely necessary for developers with creative ideas and app works but without market. AndroidWorld Global Developers Conference not only provided the exhibition and share stage for outstanding projects but also pay much more attention to facts, set "project investment and financing discussion region" and prepared for "investment and financing bridging meeting". This Conference invited 20 well-known investors such as Hugo Shong, Creating Partner of IDG Capital, Ding Baoyu Partner of Co-win Venture Capital, Mai Gang, creator of Creation Workshop, Shen Jin, Deputy President of QUALICOMM, Shu Xiaowu, Chief Investment Director of Fortune Capital and Xie Fei, Chief Investment Director of Morningside Ventures to evaluate the outstanding APP projects and to have face-to-face communication with the winning developers, so as to help them to obtain financing opportunity and to realize their dream of creation.

In mobile internet industry, Chinese companies' and developers' innovation gradually gets involved in global industrial development and becoming an important driving force. AndroidWorld Global Developers Conference provides the latest creative information, commercial modes, financing opportunities to the developers and helped to establish confidence, stimulated their creativity to create richer and much more colorful mobile internet world and further promote the rapid and sound development of China's mobile internet industry.

For more information, please visit the official website of the Conference ( and official microblog of the Conference (