ReachMail, a Chicago-based email marketing service provider, announces a new infographic, “Email is officially middle-aged.”

This year, email is celebrating its 44th anniversary of the day in 1971 when computer engineer Ray Tomlinson sent the first electronic mail message. To celebrate, let’s take a look back at just how far email has come in the past 44 years.

In the past 44 years, email has gone from being a little-used form of communication reserved for only the most tech-savvy, to something so commonplace that it’s become part of our daily vocabulary. And just think - in the time that it took you to read this infographic, you probably got an e-mail.

“We forget how much email has evolved over our lifetime,” said ReachMail President John Murphy. “This infographic reminds us how different it is today.”

About ReachMail

ReachMail is a platform for creating and sending messages via email and social media. ReachMail provides free email marketing for life accounts with features including hundreds of free responsive templates, outstanding deliverability and detailed reporting. Advanced tools are built right in including Social Media Sharing, Message Testing, Auto-Responders, Email previews, Transactional emails and an API. Free support is available - phone or email.