Sunil Tissa Amarasuriya

Sunil Tissa Amarasuriya

Chairman at B.P. de Silva Holdings Pte Ltd.

75 year
Consumer Durables
Distribution Services

Sunil Tissa Amarasuriya active positions

Audemars Piguet Singapore Pte Ltd. Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Silvaroyal (Colombo) Ltd. Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Gulhivair Holding SA Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
B.P. de Silva Properties Pte Ltd. Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Chairman 2011-07-04 -
President 2010-11-17 2011-07-04
Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
Rusitto Pte Ltd. Director/Board Member 2010-11-17 -
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Career history of Sunil Tissa Amarasuriya

Former positions of Sunil Tissa Amarasuriya

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░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░ -



Singapore 21
Sri Lanka 14
Malaysia 9


Director/Board Member 44
Chairman 2
President 2


Consumer Durables 4
Distribution Services 3
Finance 2

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

Linked companies

Private companies46


Industrial Services

Distribution Services

Consumer Non-Durables

The Swatch Group (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Amarasuriya Holdings Pte Ltd.

B.P. de Silva Ceylon Ltd.

Silvaroyal (Colombo) Ltd.

Gulhivair Holding SA

B.P. de Silva Properties Pte Ltd.

Electronic Technology

B.P. de Silva Jewellers Pte Ltd.

Consumer Durables

Rusitto Pte Ltd.

Consumer Durables

The 1872 Clipper Tea Co. Pte Ltd.

Audemars Piguet Singapore Pte Ltd.

Crystal Creation Sdn. Bhd.

Storch Brothers (1949) Sdn. Bhd.


Tea Tech Services (Pvt) Ltd.

Distribution Services

Consumer Durables

B. P. de Silva Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Sunalps Pte Ltd.

Navitas Systems Pte Ltd.

ARC Concepts Sdn. Bhd.

PT Risis Indonesia

B.P. de Silva Japan Pte Ltd.

LeBrassus Sdn. Bhd.

Lanka Bloom Foundation (Guarantee) Ltd.

Hi-tech Power Systems (Pvt) Ltd.

Shingold (Pte) Ltd.

Envipure Sdn. Bhd.

Silvacos Private Ltd.

Amador SA

B.P. de Silva Pte Ltd.

Gemmological Institute of Colombo (Pvt) Ltd.

Nava 1872 Pte Ltd.

PS Ventures Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.

PS Ventures Pte Ltd.

Silvador (Pvt) Ltd.

Silvador Sdn. Bhd.

Sunalps Investments Pte Ltd.

Technology Services

Amarasuriya Holdings Pte Ltd. (Sri Lanka)

See company connections