Paul de Vries

Paul de Vries

66 year


Dr. Paul de Vries is Senior Housing Market Analyst at Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen Boerenleenbank BA.
He conducts research on all aspects of Dutch and international housing and mortgage market.
Since 2012, he has joined the Credit Market Research team in London too.
In this capacity, he is responsible for housing market research with a special emphasis on the house price developments.
In that respect, he maintains a wide relevant network in the Netherlands and abroad.
On regular basis, he has meetings with investors on the Dutch housing market.
The Dutch Housing Market Quarterly is his responsibility.
He has worked as an academic researcher at the Delft University.
Mr. de Vries received his PhD on the development of house prices at Delft University.

Former positions of Paul de Vries

Cooperatieve Rabobank UA (Research) Economist 2016-12-31
See the detail of Paul de Vries's experience

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

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Linked companies

Private companies1
Cooperatieve Rabobank UA (Research)
