Anthony Bondain
Chief Editor
Because financial news is consumed like pastries, hot and at breakfast time, Anthony Bondain gets up at dawn to serve you an editorial every morning. A business & finance journalist for more than two decades, as well as an inimitable editorialist and a phlegmatic leader, he is editor-in-chief of ZoneBourse, Marketscreener’s sister publication.
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A lost decade for Reckitt Benckiser
By losing 15% in a single session last Friday, Reckitt Benckiser was back where it was 10 years ago. Shares lost ground in each of the last three years. The coupons mitigate shareholder disappointment a little, and bring average annual performance down to the level of inflation. It's not much.
March 20, 2024 at 10:18 am
- Stock Market
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- Anthony Bondain