WISeKey International Holding AG announced that its WIShelter platform now includes a secured messaging system of communication between authenticated users. Reacting to the outrage and growing mistrust among the users of these messaging service providers, WISeKey is making available its secured digital identity technology to the service of messaging systems. Easy to install and operate on any mobile, WIShelter messaging offers the same functionality and usability as most popular messaging apps. WIShelter app uses digital identity secured by WISeKey, and allows its users to geo-localize other certified users and stablish secure communications between them using end-to-end encryption. To ensure data privacy, each user’s Personal Identifiable Information (PKI) is kept encrypted, never disclosed without the user’s consent, and offers secure messaging services plus related functions, including end-to-end encrypted voice calls and file and picture sharing. It is just as easy-to-use as other well-known messaging apps but the added value of WIShelter is authentication and trust. Data gathered by the WIShelter app is only stored on the mobile phone of the users and is never data mined or used for advertisement. Its messaging service includes security functionalities that can remediate threats like phishing, ransomware or identity theft. Strong authentication is a mechanism able to enhance security by complementing the traditional username/password access to online services with additional security factors, like biometry, hardware tokens and one-time-passwords. Additionally, the new messaging option allows confidential messages to be exchanged encrypted, and to affix a “digital signature” to the outgoing message, ensuring the recipient that the message comes from a genuine person and that has not been manipulated during transit. New contacts on WIShelter can be added by scanning a contact QR code directly from the other user’s WIShelter app (this is the fastest and most secure way) or by importing contacts directly from the phone or from other social network messaging services. The app is on BETA 2.0 version and will include substantial improvements in the near future, including user’s feedback and enhanced security and authentication technologies.