Provided by: Wisdom Marine Lines Co., Limited
SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2014-12-27
Subject To clarify Economic Dialy News' report
Date of events 2014/12/27 To which item it meets article 4 paragraph 49
1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2014/12/27
2.Company name:Wisdom Marine Lines Co., Limited
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter 'head office' or
  'subsidiaries'):Head Office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Name of the reporting media:Economic Daily News, page B5
6.Content of the report:The Company's revenue in 2015 is expected to
increase by 10%.
7.Cause of occurrence:The report was based on analysts' research reports.
The Company did not issue any financial forecast on 2015 revenue and earning.
8.Countermeasures:Publish the clarification.
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:N/A

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