Wirecard unveiled its new API Management and Developer Portal, designed to make it even quicker and easier for customers to integrate the Wirecard digital platform into their environments as well as enhance and expand their existing installations. At the same time, the company is announcing an environment for prospects where interested parties will be able to test the functionality of the Wirecard platform in order to better plan and execute implementation. This simplifies and accelerates the process for companies towards fully digital solutions. The Wirecard API Management Portal is a comprehensive platform designed to centralize all Wirecard APIs, improving and accelerating the onboarding of customers and making it easier for them to connect their systems to the Wirecard ecosystem. In addition, the portal provides a "one-stop shop" for all relevant Wirecard documentation including technical specifications, flow diagrams and detailed installation and integration guides. Within the tool, developers can also download templates making it simpler for them to use the Wirecard APIs to adapt the solution to their specific environment and changing needs. By centralizing and standardizing the APIs, Wirecard also makes it easier for customers to scale their Wirecard solution by adding new elements of the ecosystem from within the tool. The Wirecard Developer Portal is specifically aimed at developers within companies that do not yet work with Wirecard and enables them to effectively plan their Wirecard deployments in a sandbox environment. The portal provides a comprehensive set of Wirecard APIs that can be downloaded, installed and tested within a protected environment. Companies can determine in real-life scenarios how the Wirecard solutions help them drive their digitalization strategies and improve their own customer experience. For example, developers will be able to use the portal to trial open banking applications in support of future initiatives such as PSD2. The Developer Portal contains key elements such as a self-service support hub, documentation database and a product and implementation showroom, which will demonstrate the full spectrum of the Wirecard ecosystem for digital financial technology. Both the Wirecard API Management and Developer Portal make use of the OpenAPI Specification which is an industry standard for all applications. By leveraging this standard, Wirecard enables customers to accelerate the entire implementation process and reduce adaptation times from weeks to mere minutes.