February 25, 2010               4Q 2009 and Preliminary 2009 Year End

March 25, 2010                   Audited 2009 Year End

May 20, 2010                     1Q 2010

August 23, 2010                 2Q 2010

November 22, 2010             3Q 2010

February 24, 2011               4Q 2010 and Preliminary 2010 Year End

Artumas Group Inc. reserves the right to revise the above dates.

The Corporation's Annual General Meeting will be announced at a later date, with
notice given in due course.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl
(Norwegian Securities Trading Act)


    Press Release: http://hugin.info/136496/R/1372379/336096.pdf