Wellfield Technologies Inc. provided investors with a review of some of the Company's 2022 Business focuses, as it begins to accelerate its goal to unlock the power of DeFi and make adoption easy for everyone, consumers and institutions alike. During 2021, Wellfield put the foundation in place for rapid expansion during 2022 ­ a business combination that formed Wellfield was successfully completed, which resulted in the operation of two brands: MoneyClip and Seamless. Together, these brands build bridges from traditional finance to DeFi and set the foundation for DeFi services for all.

During 2022, Wellfield's Seamless brand will begin to further its solutions designed to address the following needs in the DeFi ecosystem. Making Bitcoin compatible with DeFi Wellfield has witnessed a shift in the Bitcoin investment community, where holding for capital appreciation is no longer satisfactory. Investors are beginning to look for ways to make their Bitcoin more productive.

Seamless plans to launch a solution that is designed to enable Bitcoin to be compatible with DeFi without requiring the owner to give up custody to an intermediary. This solution has the potential to unlock liquidity for Bitcoin investors and to transform Bitcoin into a productive, cash flowing asset as part of the broader DeFi ecosystem. Cross Blockchain Trading:Currently, DeFi infrastructure gaps force users to rely on even more intermediaries ­ cryptocurrency exchanges ­ when they want and need to trade assets across blockchains.

The core promise of DeFi is decentralization, and demand is growing for Ethereum-based decentralized exchanges. Wellfield has plans to extend the services that today's decentralized exchanges offer for one blockchain, to all chains. Decentralized Prime Broker Capabilities Currently, DeFi lacks the robust selection of liquidity optimization and risk mitigation products that conventional prime brokers offer institutional clients in traditional capital markets.

Wellfield believes that the introduction of these services within DeFi are necessary to scale and attract significant capital. Seamless has plans to launch an initial selection of services focused on addressing some of these gaps, and to build on these solutions over a multi-year period. Wellfield has built MoneyClip ("MoneyClip or the "App") with the vision of creating an everyday financial application powered by blockchain, that can act as a primary point for consumers to secure and utilize their money.

The App currently offers P2P payment functionality, and Wellfield has a multi-year plan to integrate new blockchain infrastructure, as it becomes available, to provide consumers with access to a full range of DeFi and traditional finance services. On December 24, 2021, Wellfield announced that it had concluded its initial period of rigorous testing in partnership with early users of the App and launched an intensive engagement program, focused on growing its user base and signing retail partners as it prepares for the introduction of additional functionality. MoneyClip will be launching an upgraded user interface and new connectivity features in First Quarter 2022, to support enhanced usability, brand awareness and scalability as new blockchain infrastructure is integrated over the next 12 months.