Wejo Group Limited announced it is developing a breakthrough Wejo Neural EdgeTM platform that will enable intelligent handling of data from vehicles at scale, while providing incredible insights that protect privacy and empower automotive innovation. In partnership with Microsoft, Wejo will make the announcement virtually from the Microsoft Partners Pavilion at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. With so much rich data coming from vehicles, latency and data storage costs are potential obstacles in harnessing and scaling the power of real-time vehicle communications - both with other vehicles and the infrastructure that is set to power Smart Cities.

Leveraging strategic partnership with Microsoft Azure and powered by Wejo's ADEPT platform, Wejo Neural EdgeTM optimizes how this data is managed within the vehicle, further processes it at the Edge and ultimately communicates to the cloud. This process will not only reduce data overload and maximize data insights but will reduce costs for automotive manufacturers and improve manufacturing of the vehicle to provide a better driving experience – supporting safer vehicles, enabling further advancements in EV and autonomous mobility, and reducing congestion and emissions. Wejo Neural EdgeTM will filter and analyze vast amounts of AV, EV and CV data before transmitting only the essential information to the cloud.

This is made possible by utilizing in-car edge processing that Wejo is developing to filter only useful and valuable CVD before it is transmitted to the cloud. The embedded software technology in combination with Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform will enable Wejo Neural EdgeTM to power automotive innovation by: Reducing network and storage costs for the auto manufacturers by optimising the data coming from the vehicle. Leveraging embedded software within the vehicle chipset, Wejo Neural EdgeTM is designed to intelligently choose and prioritize the data to be sent from the vehicle to the cloud.

Utilizing machine learning algorithms to reconstruct vehicle journey and event data, Wejo Neural EdgeTM can take 20% of the data from autonomous, electric, and other connected vehicles and reconstruct it to represent 100% of the data, without any loss in data fidelity or integrity. The positive environmental impact is significant, as less data requires less storage which in turn reduces power consumption. Enabling Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2X) communications.

Wejo Neural EdgeTM enables the standardisation and centralisation of the data that comes from autonomous, electric and connected vehicles. Not only does this provide a key building block for communication in near real time, but it also supports communication with infrastructure services such as road signs, traffic lights and parking lots, so vehicles can easily anticipate the road ahead and optimise mobility experiences. Delivering a digital twin of the vehicle and cities to reshape how company view the entire product and service ecosystem related to mobility.

In a simulation environment, a digital twin of the US can be constructed to simulate how vehicles in different cities need to respond and navigate without having to outlay massive infrastructure costs of physical hardware or vehicles to be able to relearn how a vehicle should behave as an AV or EV, in the Smart City, etc. As more auto manufacturers work to harness their vehicle data, Wejo Neural EdgeTM and Wejo's common data model will enable different manufacturer makes and models to speak the same data language, a key component supporting vehicle to vehicle communication and vehicle communications with infrastructure and services.