ENGAGE XR Holdings Plc announced the launch of Athena, an augmented reality (AI) employee that integrates AI into a virtual reality (VR) environment for ENGAGE enterprise clients. Athena takes the concept of customer service chatbots to the next level using Open AI programs ChatGPT-3 and DALL.E allowing enterprise clients the ability to have full, interactive conversations with the avatar within the ENGAGE metaverse. Click HERE and HERE to experience Athena.

Traditionally, customer service chatbots are software or computer program interfaces that simulate human-like conversations via text or voice interactions. Up until now, chatbots have been programmed using keywords and preset scripts, which can limit their functionality and usefulness. Athena's AI intelligence takes the customer service chat functionality further for ENGAGE Link users.

Athena can provide advice, answer questions, source media for playback, create AI imagery, find 3D objects, create sticky notes, and interact with key functions of the platform. This is all done via an animated avatar body giving people who interact with Athena the sense they are speaking with a real person. The AI functionality also enables Athena the ability to learn and enhance her intelligence the more she interacts with people, improving her performance and responding more naturally to conversational prompts.

Over the coming weeks, engineers at ENGAGE will be adding more functionality and connectivity to Athena, utilizing different AI programs. She will be given access to hundreds of technical documents training her to become an expert on the ENGAGE platform and helping to enhance her responses to become more humanlike. ENGAGE XR plans to provide custom AI employees for its enterprise clients at a premium in the future. Each custom avatar will be tailored with a unique personality and will be provided all the technical knowledge they will need to support each individual company's goals and tasks.

The avatars will be able to take on a host of client-facing tasks which include tech support, training, education and moderation.