Crop infrastructure corp. announced the following updates on its Esmeralda County THC and Nye County CBD projects. Esmeralda Cannabis THC: Trenching is underway with the first shipments of building blocks delivered on site for the construction of the 40-acre perimeter wall for the 2019 outdoor cannabis growing season. Nye County Hemp CBD: The ground development for the 50,000 square feet of propagation greenhouses is underway and is expected to be completed within the next two weeks. The Micropropagation Team, on site, has begun tissue culturing for task of completing 4,500,000 hemp starters. The company has placed a deposit on 2,000,000 hemp farm bill compliant feminized seeds with delivery expected next month. Nutrients and highly composted fertile soils have been layered over the projects entire 1,350 acres of planned 2019 cultivation. The company also received additional licensing permissions to operate a hemp nursery. Nevada Extraction: The company has been working with a PhD in Chemistry /Post-Doctorate in molecular pharmacology and biophysics and several engineers to scale CROP's own solvent-free commercial scale extraction to handle the large amount of hemp biomass and cannabis forecast for the 2019 season. CROP has finalized designs and tender for a ~10 ton per 8-hour shift extraction equipment for its Nevada and Country wide labs.