UniVision announced that, further to the sub-contractor announcement on 19 November 2019, it has now also entered into a cooperation framework agreement with China Railway Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited and China Railway Wuhan Electrification Engineering Group Limited, Joint Venture (CREHK-CRWE Joint Venture), which provides a framework for cooperation between the parties on other future projects where they may work together (Cooperation Framework Agreement). Under this Agreement, UniVision and the CREHK-CRWE Joint Venture will look to build upon on their recent experience working together to look to co-operate on other projects relating to smart cities, investment and finance, product and services, sales and distribution and work in overseas markets. Each company will regard the other party as its first choice co-operation partner in these areas. Detailed terms relating to each further project will be agreed on a case by case basis, but within the framework set out in the Cooperation Framework Agreement.