U.S. Gold Corp. announced it has entered into a land agreement with the surrounding land-owner that provides an option to lease additional land and grant access necessary to develop the CK Gold Project. The CK Gold Project is located in the mining-friendly state of Wyoming, 20 miles west of Cheyenne. U.S. Gold Corp. controls two Wyoming state leases that make up the CK Gold Project. Prior to this land agreement, the Company gained access to the project through an annual easement agreement with the local rancher, who is the primary landowner to the north and east of the CK Gold Project. The new agreement allows for an additional access route into the project off County Road 210, approximately two miles off the paved Happy Jack Road from the west. This will reduce approximately 2.5 miles of travel on County Road 210 to reach the CK Gold Project location from the pavement. The new route decreases road wear, lessens dust and improves safety by decreasing traffic on an already busy gravel road, which is utilized daily by homeowners and the public accessing nearby Curt Gowdy State Park. The agreement between U.S. Gold Corp. and the local ranch secures an option to lease additional lands and the permanent right-of-way to support the operation should the project move forward into development and ultimately production. The agreement demonstrates U.S. Gold Corp.'s commitment to work with neighbors and stakeholders to develop a project with broad-reaching benefits. Beginning in 1876, raising livestock and developing some of the early mines in the Silver Crown Mining District were the first activities in the area as the railroad opened the territory. While mining activities have decreased, the ranching legacy continues, and U.S. Gold Corp. is working to ensure that ranching can endure for the long-term while some of the resource wealth left behind from the early mining can be capitalized upon to benefit the area. The mine development is expected to include new water resources that could eventually be used for irrigation and additional livestock watering, electrical infrastructure to power wells and pumps, and new fencing and roads to better access and utilize ranchlands. Land stewardship and resource development are not mutually exclusive. U.S. Gold Corp. is developing the CK Gold Project in a way that will preserve the agricultural legacy and rural character of the area, providing hundreds of jobs, millions of dollars in potential tax revenue, millions of dollars in royalties allocated for education funding, and a potential major water storage reservoir.