The former magazine columnist accused Trump of destroying her reputation as a trustworthy journalist by denying he raped her nearly three decades ago.

The former president claimed that he had never heard of Carroll, and that she made up her story to boost sales of her memoir.

The front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination repeated some of those claims on social media earlier on Friday.

"I don't even know who this woman is. I have no idea who she is, where she came from. This is another scam. It's a political witch hunt, and somehow we're going to have to fight this."

Another jury last May ordered Trump to pay Carroll $5 million over a similar October 2022 denial, finding that he had defamed and sexually abused Carroll.

Trump is appealing that decision, and said in a Truth Social post soon after Friday's verdict that he will be appealing the latest jury ruling as well.

In the more recent trial, Carroll had sought at least $10 million, saying Trump had "shattered" her reputation as a respected journalist who told the truth.

The jury took less than three hours to reach the verdict.