PR Newswire/Les Echos/


                                                                 Press release

                    TR Services joins Syntec Informatique
Joining around 1,000 companies representing more than 80% of the software and IT
                         services market by revenue

Paris, 17 June 2009

TR Services is considered to be a major player in Voice-Data-Applications
convergence. It has recently joined Syntec Informatique, the French Trade
Association regrouping IT services providers, IT consultants and, software

Provider of IT systems services

By becoming part of Syntec Informatique, TR Services is joining the community of
IT systems service providers.

Synergies in terms of skills and expertise

After a series of acquisitions and mergers that have given it a complementary
range of technological skills, the TR Services Group now has a particularly wide
range of expertise in areas such as Network and Security Infrastructure, IT
solutions, ToIP and Unified Applications.

Involvement in projects and discussions relating to the IT market

"It is important for us to be affiliated to a professional organisation capable
of representing the TR Services Group and all areas of its business," commented
Lionel Smeers, CEO of TR Services. "We aim to be involved in the projects and
discussions led by Syntec Informatique within the highly concentrated market of
IT convergence. This will give our clients an additional proof of our
dependability and commitment to our profession."

About Syntec informatique
Syntec informatique is a professional association of IT services providers,
software houses and technology consultancies. It represents around 1,000
companies, which account for 80% of the profession in terms of revenues and
workforce. Syntec informatique has been chaired since June 2003 by Jean Mounet.
It is involved in developing information and communication technologies (ICT)
and their uses, as well as promoting software and services companies and
defending the profession's collective interests.
Syntec informatique has particular expertise in observing and analysing the
software and services sector, and provides the whole ICT ecosystem with figures
and news of sector trends. It represents the sector with respect to various
organisations and public authorities. 

About the TR Services Group
The TR Services Group is an independent IT services integrator and operator,
offering a new perspective on telecoms/IT convergence. It creates innovative
corporate communication solutions and provides its customers with the services
they need to maximise the effectiveness of their IT systems.
With the expertise of its 450 staff across France, the TR Services Group works
with more than 3,000 public-sector, corporate and SME clients. Télécom
Réseaux Services has been listed on the Euronext stock exchange since 1999.
(ISIN FR0000071763)

Press contacts

Heureux qui Communique                   Groupe TR SERVICES
Karine SOYER                             Tiphaine HERSANT       
Tel : 06 74 93 12 25                     Tel : 01 64 62 40 44 

Tel : 01 64 62 40 00
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