The board of Towngas China Company Limited announced that Dr. Lee Ka-kit has been appointed as a Non-Executive Director, the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee with effect from October 25, 2021; and Alfred Chan Wing-kin has stepped down from the positions of Chairman of the Board, Chairman and member of the Nomination Committee and member of the Remuneration Committee with effect from October 25, 2021 but remains as an Executive Director. Dr. Lee Ka-kit, G.B.S., J.P., D.B.A. (Hon.) is a non-executive director and the chairman of the board of directors of HKCG. Dr. Lee is a chairman and managing director of Henderson Land Development Company Limited and a vice chairman of Henderson Investment Limited. He was previously a non-executive director of The Bank of East Asia, Limited and an independent non-executive director of Xiaomi Corporation. Dr. Lee is also a vice chairman of Henderson Development Limited and a director of each of Hopkins (Cayman) Limited, Rimmer (Cayman) Limited and Riddick (Cayman) Limited.