The board of directors of Tian An Medicare Limited informed the shareholders of the Company (the Shareholders) and potential investors that based on its preliminary review on the relevant unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group for the five months ended 31 May 2024 and information currently available, subject to any impairment adjustment(s), fair value change and/or provision adjustment(s) on properties or other adjustment(s), the Group is expected to record an unaudited profit attributable to Shareholders in the estimated range of approximately HKD 15 million to HKD 45 million for the five months ended 31 May 2024 as compared with (a) the loss for the corresponding period in 2023; and (b) the loss of approximately HKD 2 million for the six months ended 30 June 2023. This was mainly due to the increase in revenue from operations of the healthcare division following the relaxation of epidemic preventive measures and the resumption of economic and social activities in the Peoples' Republic of China (the "PRC"); the decrease in cost of medical consumables; the increase in interest income from
bank deposits; and the decrease in finance costs of borrowings in the PRC but were partially off-set by the increase in cost of pharmaceutical and medicine.