Thermo Fisher Scientific reported on January 22, 2019 the launch of a new ImmunoCAP blood test that helps allergists better predict which patients may be at risk for life-threatening sensitization to Ara h 6, a protein component in peanuts that can cause severe allergic reactions in certain individuals. The company added the ImmunoCAP Specific IgE blood test for Ara h 6, which is part of a line of assays for detecting specific peanut allergen components, has been cleared by the US Food Drug Administration for in vitro diagnostic use. Based on the company's results, the Ara h 6 ImmunoCAP test can act as an aid to help specialists and clinicians better understand patients' risk factors as part of tailored allergy treatment. Its blood testing's accuracy has been documented in 4,000 peer-reviewed publications. The tests can identify allergic sensitization to common environmental allergens - seasonal and perennial, indoor and outdoor - as well as common food allergies including, peanuts, eggs and milk. The newest addition to the ImmunoCAP line of component allergy tests includes assays for cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD) and profilins, which are both allergens contained in various plants, pollens and foods. Additionally, the ImmunoCAP tests, which are available in most major US laboratories, can now be ordered for patients of any age regardless of skin condition, current medication, symptom, disease activity or pregnancy status, concluded the company.