Charges against six Kenya Power and Lighting Company employees relating to the recent nationwide power outage have been dismissed in court due to lack of evidence, but three others will be prosecuted.

Raphael Kimeu, David Kamau and Julius Mwaniki were charged on January 26 in Kahawa law court in Kiambu County for wilfully neglecting the Dandora-Embakasi high-voltage transmission line.

Kahawa’s Chief Magistrate, Diana Mochache, found that Kimeu (acting general manager Network Management), Kamau (manager Transmission Network Department) and Mwaniki (second assistant engineer Transmission Department) had questions to answer relating to the outage.

The three were charged with sabotage and neglect of official duties between November 29, 2021 and January 11 this year, culminating in the nationwide day-time electricity outage.

They are accused of “wilfully and unlawfully, with intent to sabotage, failing to maintain and reinforce Dandora-Embakasi high-voltage line. This led to collapse of towers number 11, 12, 13 and 14 at Imara Daima in Nairobi."

Mochache gave Kimeu, Kamau and Mwanki the option to be released against a KES1mn ($8,806.26) cash bail or a bond of KES2mn ($17,612.52) each plus two sureties. The case is set to be heard on February 9, 2022.

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