Thai Nondestructive Testing Public Company Limited announced interim dividend payment in the form of ordinary shares and cash, as well as the Capital Increase, dated November 15, 2021 of Thai Nondestructive Testing Public Company Limited ("the Company"). The Company would like to clarify the details of the dividend payment in shares and cash from retained earnings in the portion that is entitled to lax benefits (BOI) and the portion that is non-tax benefits (Non-BOl), including the portion thai shareholders can receive tax credits as follows: Derived from profit under non-BOl privilege and receive the Tax Credit: 0.392951058603 (Taxable). Derived from profit under BOI privilege and do not receive the Tax Credit: 0.607048941397 (Taxable, due to the expiration of the exercise period Derived from profit under BOI privilege and do not receive the Tax Credit: 0.100000000000 (Tax exemption). TotaL 1.100000000000.