Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. (JASDAQ:6852) signed the share exchange agreement to acquire remaining 29.99% stake in Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. from Internetware Company Ltd for approximately ¥120 million on February 27, 2019. Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. will issue 200 shares for each share of Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. will issue 73000 shares as consideration. Prior to the transaction, Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. held 852 shares amounting to 70% stake in Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. After the transaction, Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. reported total assets of ¥747 million and net assets of ¥592 million as at March 31, 2018. Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. reported sales of ¥514 million and ordinary income of ¥77 million during the year ending March 31, 2018. The transaction is subject to approval of shareholders of Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. in a meeting to be held on March 6, 2019. The transaction does not require approval of shareholders of Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. The Board of Directors of Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. and Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. passed a resolution for the transaction on February 27, 2019. The transaction is expected to be completed on April 1, 2019. Hasegawa certified public accountant office calculated the share exchange ratio. Technol Seven Co.,Ltd. (JASDAQ:6852) cancelled the acquisition of the remaining 29.99% stake in Techno Seven Systems Co. Ltd. from Internetware Company Ltd on February 27, 2020.