Suntex Enterprises, Inc. introduced the Company’s first offering in the thrilling CBD industry. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. has begun the production and distribution of Pumped Fitness CBD. Pumped Fitness CBD is an innovative beverage line that appeals to the masses. Pumped Fitness CBD is a water-based product that contains exceptional ingredients to provide benefits unlike any product on the market. Pumped Fitness CBD is bottled in a controlled environment ensuring consistent quality. The distinguished product has a PH level of 9 when bottled to maximize crispness and taste. To improve health benefits, Pumped Fitness CBD is brimming with CoQ 10 and a powerful Vitamin blend. To construct the ultimate in fitness products, Pumped Fitness CBD is loaded with 10mg of the highest quality CBD per serving. Pumped Fitness CBD is bottled in an extremely unique 30oz bottle. The plastic bottle is in the unmistakable shape of an exercise dumbbell. The package allows Pumped Fitness CBD to attract attention immediately. The bottle fits the hand perfectly making it the ideal blend of unique form and unparalleled function. Pumped Fitness CBD has a bright and stylish label that inspires quality while it educates the consumer. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. has begun the initial distribution and marketing of Pumped Fitness CBD. Distribution has begun in Southern California. The initial retail distribution is being conducted through the lucrative “up and down the street” market. This form of retail outlets includes convenience stores, small markets, delis, etc. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. is exploiting these markets to develop and perfect a marketing program to establish awareness for Pumped Fitness CBD. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. is currently in discussions with major distribution outlets that would allow Pumped Fitness CBD to access larger markets and retail locations currently unavailable to the Company. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. is presently developing flavored versions of Pumped Fitness CBD with the intention of expanding the beverage with the objective of establishing a complete fully-functional beverage line. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. will be adding other product offering in the near future. Suntex Enterprises, Inc. is committed to becoming a leader in the retail CDB industry. As CBD becomes more acceptable to the masses, Suntex Enterprises, Inc. will be positioning itself as a driving force in the retail CBD market.