StageZero Life Sciences Ltd. announced the launch of the AVRT™ program for patients living in the United Kingdom. AVRT is an innovative physician-led program aimed at proactively identifying and managing the early warning signs of cancer and chronic disease. The announcement builds on the availability of the AVRT program in the US, and the Care Oncology Clinic service that is currently available within the UK, Europe, the US, and Canada.

Created by the physicians and scientists who developed the COC Protocol, AVRT employs a similar approach by identifying the inflammatory and metabolic pathways that may increase the risk of developing cancer and chronic disease, and facilitating personalized early interventions to reduce the risk of disease onset or progression. The AVRT program includes: Comprehensive digital health evaluations; Proprietary panels of blood tests that measure biomarkers of inflammation and metabolic dysfunction; In-depth initial consultations with expert clinicians in the field of metabolic health; Personalized care plans with actionable insights; and Regular physician interval and follow-up appointments to maintain engagement and track progress. The program is designed to empower users to take control of their health by offering readouts of all their AVRT data, enabling them to track their progress and visualize any benefits of the changes they make in real time, as well as continuous access to curated resources to ensure patients are supported to make consistently positive health choices.

The service is available both in person at premises in Harley Street, London, UK, and remotely via telemedicine.