GeneNews Limited announced it has published a new study that further validates the stability of its proprietary test, ColonSentry®, as a tool to risk stratify patients who are non-compliant with any form of Colorectal Cancer screening and prioritize patients who should be referred directly for colonoscopy versus other modalities for colorectal cancer screening. The paper, "Stability of the ColonSentry Colon Cancer Risk Stratification Test" appears in the current online edition of International Journal of Disease Markers. The study's authors compared real-life distribution of the results against the model that was initially developed and reviewed them in the context of measurement stability, and to evaluate the validity of the assumptions made during the construction of the mathematical model. The model's assumption of two subpopulations, one with colorectal cancer at 0.7% prevalence, and the other without colorectal cancer at 99.3% prevalence, fit the data within the expected measurement tolerances. Research also explores enhancement of the model to address a precancerous polyp phase subpopulation, and how the test results can be used to identify patients who should be referred directly for colonoscopy versus other modalities for colorectal cancer screening. The study confirmed that ColonSentry can be used to determine, from a blood sample, whether patients are at elevated risk for colorectal cancer and detects left and right-sided lesions with similar sensitivity. ColonSentry can be considered for use as an alternative method in non-compliant patient populations.