ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011 Spotless Group Limited 2011 Annual General Meeting - Chairman's Address and Managing Director's Address Peter Smedley - Chairman Introduction

My intention today is to:
• Provide a brief overview the financial performance of your company for the year to 30 June 2011
• Update you on the fourth year of Spotless' transformative strategic plan;
• Outline how our sector knowledge is capturing important new client orders; and
• Make some observations about the outlook for the company against the backdrop of the current global and domestic economic environment.

2011 Overview

Turning to a review of the 2011 year, a period in which Spotless continued to execute its strategy in the face of continued tough economic conditions. Specifically, adverse exchange rates, higher input costs and natural disasters. At the 2010
Annual General Meeting I noted a prolonged dampening of client demand within Spotless' existing base of contracts and lower discretionary spending overall. These more subdued business conditions have persisted to varying degrees across the company's client sectors, but have also given rise to outsourcing opportunities, which will be elaborated on later by Jo.

2011 performance and financial position

I am very pleased to report that your company delivered solid earnings in the 2011 year, including second half growth in
Net Profit After Tax of 37 per cent.
Australia and New Zealand Facility Services - which comprise more than 95 per cent of earnings - delivered EBIT growth of 45 per cent in the second half of 2011 to achieve record earnings for the year.
All Spotless' operating divisions delivered revenue growth in FY11. In total the company delivered revenue growth of 10.9 per cent to $2,785 million. This growth was fuelled by 13.4 per cent growth in global Facility Services revenue. Offsetting the Facility Services growth was lower Braiform revenue. Braiform continued to face difficult market conditions and lower demand, particularly in North America and Europe. Therefore, in US dollar terms Braiform revenue declined 0.8 per on
the prior period. When translated into Australian dollars, Braiform revenue declined 11 per cent, due to the stronger
Australian dollar.
Turning to operating earnings. Whilst reported EBIT rose 5.3 per cent to $90.1 million, reported net profit after tax declined slightly by 0.5 per cent to $42.8 million, driven by higher interest and tax expense. Earnings per share declined by 4.1 per cent as a result of higher shares on issue from the non-underwritten dividend reinvestment plan available to shareholders.
The company's second half results were very strong across a range of metrics, including NPAT growth of 37 per cent and EPS growth of 36 per cent. Further, Australian and New Zealand Facility Services EBIT margins rose by 51 basis points when compared with the first half. Some 79 per cent of operating cash flow was generated in the second half of 2011.
Turning to the company's financial position. Net debt was $282.7 million at 30 June 2011, up from $201.2 million in the prior corresponding period.
When compared with the prior year, net debt as at 30 June 2011 increased due to working capital and growth investments, with part of the movement due to a $10.3 million change in the fair value adjustment to cross currency swaps that convert the US Private Placement (USPP) Notes into Australian Dollars. Gearing levels remain within the Board's stated target range of 30 per cent to 50 per cent, with emphasis on targeting the bottom end of the range. Moreover, with EBITDA interest cover of 6.5 times Spotless continues to maintain ample capacity to fund transformation and continued growth.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011

Average net debt levels over the course of FY11 approximated $300 million. Average net debt levels reflect:
• higher levels of working capital and mobilisation costs relating to new contracts with less than twelve months of profit and cash flow generation;
• higher levels of capital expenditure. This reflects organic growth, the new Brisbane laundry and the new business and IT platform. Capital expenditure in 2011, including expenditure on the business and IT platform, was $110.3 million, at the bottom end of guidance previously provided for total expenditure of between $110 million to $115 million.

USPP Note Issue

During the first half Spotless successfully issued US$160 million in USPP Notes, substantially lowering refinancing risk and extending average debt maturities from 3 years to 8 years.
The preparedness of investors to subscribe to long dated funding is a strong endorsement of the Company's program of transformation and confidence in future performance. We have strengthened our financial position by diversifying our sources of funding and significantly reduced refinancing risk.
The purpose of the issue was to repay committed bank debt, lower refinancing risk and rebalance and extend the maturity profile of the Group's debt facilities.

Syndicated Debt Refinancing

As a result of the issuance of US notes, all Australian dollar floating rate bank debt was repaid and cash on the balance sheet has risen from $48.9 million at 30 June 2010 to $106.9 million at 30 June 2011. This cash balance includes approximately $50 million of cash surplus to working capital requirements. The Company expects to utilise surplus cash balances within the next 6 months by funding planned organic growth (working capital and capital expenditure related to new contracts) and the Company's investment in the new business and IT platform.
It is therefore pleasing to update shareholders today on the status of our $240 million syndicated debt facility. The Company has received commitments from its banking syndicate to extend its $240 million syndicated facility at the same level of $240 million into the following tranches:
• a $90 million 364 day revolving facility;
• a $90 million three year tranche; and
• a $60 million five year tranche.
The refinanced debt will be priced approximately 50 basis points below the Company's existing pricing. All other terms, including banking covenants, remain generally unchanged. The next major refinance is due in FY14.
Spotless continues to demonstrate cash flow generation and conversion amid a period of investment in organic growth and reinvestment. The ratio of gross operating cash flow to EBITDA, adjusted for working capital investments, was 96 per cent, compared to 108 per cent on a rolling 12 month basis at 31 December 2010.
Net interest expense was $25.5 million, compared with $22.6 million in the 2010 financial year. This reflects higher average levels of gross debt arising from the issuance of the US notes whilst the average cost of debt rose compared with the prior year, a result of the extending the average debt maturity of the Company from 3 years to 8 years. Reported EBITDA interest cover was 6.5 times during the year, compared with 7.2 times in the prior period.
The Underlying effective tax rate in 2011 was 33.2 per cent, above the prior period of 29.5 per cent. The largest driver of the change in tax rate was the use of investment allowances in 2010.


The results delivered in 2011 led to the Directors declaring a final dividend of 6.0 cents per share (interim 5.0 cents), franked to 60 per cent, in line with the prior period. This dividend reflects a payout ratio of 67 per cent to Reported EPS and 57 per cent to Underlying EPS, compared with the Board's stated dividend policy of paying out between 50 per cent and 60 per cent of EPS. Spotless continues to retain a low level of franking credits.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011 Safety

Turning now to a critically important issue for Spotless - the safety of our people.
The Board and senior management team believe that all injuries are preventable. Therefore, Spotless is committed to achieving zero harm in the workplace. This target applies wherever we work - at Spotless premises and at thousands of client locations. Your company has strong governance, policy and process frameworks to support this target and our occupational health and safety plans. In 2011 safety performance improved, and the Managing Director will comment further on Spotless' safety metrics and wider occupational health and safety efforts ahead of Australian legislative changes planned to be effective from January 2012.

Strategic Progress

I would like to provide additional context to discussion of current and future performance.
In the 2008 financial year the Board endorsed the Spotless strategic plan to sustainably transform the business. Four years into this transformative strategic plan, the Company has:
• Improved governance frameworks, management accountability and corporate transparency;
• Aligned the organisational structure and executive talent bench strength to execute the strategic plan; and
• delivered profitable growth within Facility Services
We are now entering the final phase of this plan and setting our sights on sustained future performance improvements. To secure substantial profit margin and performance improvements, Spotless is currently modernising its business processes and IT systems.


Turning now to Transformation.
While Braiform's cost base has already been significantly lowered from its migration to a common IT platform, Australian and New Zealand IT systems remain costly to operate.
Therefore, during 2011 the Board approved a plan to overhaul this business and IT platform, with a strong focus on unlocking the value in the Spotless business model and making it simpler and cheaper to deliver growth.
This significant investment will simplify and consolidate business processes and IT systems, with management estimates for recurring annualised EBITDA benefits of $20 million to $25 million once complete.
To unlock these substantial benefits the Company expects to invest across 2012 and 2013. As noted earlier, Spotless has significant financial capacity to fully fund the program.


Spotless takes a broad and long-term view of sustainability through informed and balanced decision making processes, considering Environmental, Social and Governance aspects.
Being sustainable influences how Spotless designs and delivers products and services, employs people, purchases goods and services, engages with local communities and manages the environment.
Spotless embeds sustainable work practices to enhance shareholder returns, deliver client outcomes, foster a safe workplace and enduring supplier and local community relationships.
There are many excellent and practical examples of Spotless' approach to sustainability across its businesses in the 2011 sustainability report, available at and within the annual report.


Spotless takes the broadest possible view of sustainability, with diversity forming an important part of our sustainability focus.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011

Spotless operates in thousands of regional and urban cities across Australia and New Zealand employing over 35,000 staff together with over 5,000 employees in Europe, the USA and Asia.
A diverse workforce that is truly reflective of the communities in which Spotless works is of utmost importance. Many thousands of talented people are employed at Spotless with a diversity of perspectives, skills, experience, relationships, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual preference and disability.
In 2011 your Board approved and adopted a diversity policy to enable and encourage greater diversity. Sitting under the policy is a strategy to guide daily management decisions.
Naturally, Spotless' actions in this area align with the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance
Principles and Recommendations.
However, we focus on diversity because it is unquestionably the right thing for Spotless. We want to employ the best possible talent from all walks of life.


I would like to update shareholders on board composition and governance activities.
The composition of your Board did not change in 2011, a first since the turnaround of Spotless commenced.
Your Directors remained highly active in 2011, visiting dozens of sites and meeting with all levels of management, clients and suppliers under the Company's governance frameworks and forums. The Board is assisted in this process through a range of specialist forums including the Audit, Finance & Risk Committee, the Operational Risk Committee, the Human Resources Committee, the Information Technology Committee and the Occupational Health, Safety & Environment Committee.


Spotless' remuneration principles are to pay responsible, market competitive remuneration that will enable the attraction, development and retention of Directors and executives. As mentioned at the 2010 Annual General Meeting the Board reviewed remuneration across the Company during 2011. The review was carried out by the Board with the assistance of independent advisors and proposed changes were canvassed in discussions with major shareholders and proxy advisors.
As a result of this process the LTI Share Plan will continue to be a performance rights scheme with prospective changes made to hurdle weightings and the EPS and Relative Total Shareholder Return vesting hurdles. Director's fees will rise
for the first time since 2007 and Committee fees will be introduced to reflect work undertaken. This has been offset by the restructuring of the Board since 2007 and total fees are 30 per cent lower than the ceiling approved by shareholders in
2007. I note that in 2011 the performance of the Company did not fully meet Board target levels and therefore Short-Term incentive outcomes for executives are well below target levels. I will make more detailed comments on this important
issue later in this meeting when shareholders consider the remuneration report.


Turning now to an update on year to date trading in FY12 and the Outlook for the balance of the financial year.
Our Australian and New Zealand Facility Services businesses continue to develop new contracts and importantly the profitability of new revenue streams secured in the prior year continues to improve. However, we do face operating headwinds and transitional costs relating to the new business and IT platform.
Despite this, Facility Services EBIT year to date is above the prior year and our transformation process is on track with its implementation.
On balance, we expect that Australia and New Zealand Facility Services will deliver earnings growth in FY12, weighted towards the second half.
Our International Services business is focused on delivering the London Olympics contract and we continue to expect a positive EBIT contribution from this business in FY12.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011

Braiform year to date EBIT has declined relative to this time last year and may result in a small loss for the half.
Management has responded to this with cost control and margin enhancement initiatives, which coupled with normal seasonality, is expected to result in stronger second half earnings. The full year FY12 earnings result for Braiform will be influenced by the market environment prevailing in the second half along with the impact of further internal restructuring initiatives, but is expected to be a positive result.
Therefore, in terms of the overall outlook for the Spotless Group, and subject to no further major deterioration in trading conditions, management continues to expect Spotless Group to deliver an improvement in earnings in FY12 relative to FY11.

Closing Comments

On behalf of the Board I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support. I would also like to thank our Managing Director and CEO Mr Josef Farnik, the executive team and all our employees for their commitment to serving our clients.
I will now hand over to Jo.

Josef Farnik - Managing Director and CEO

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

Strategic Progress

In 2011 we continued to progress our strategy to grow the company's portfolio of integrated services. Our competitive advantage stems from the unique combination of service line expertise and sector knowledge. Our Facility Services business now accounts for 95 per cent of the company's EBIT and over 90 per cent of revenue.
When I refer to 'integrated', I am not talking about bundling multiple services. Spotless directly delivers a range of
services and re-engineers or tailors them by calling on our accumulated sector knowledge and service line benchmarking. We are able to provide true integration, which delivers increased value to buyer and seller.
This afternoon I will review the 2011 performance of our operating divisions, which are the foundation stones of our integrated services capability. I'll conclude with an update on the Outlook for the company.
As the Chairman outlined, the Spotless Group delivered a strong financial result in 2011, including second half growth in
Net Profit After Tax of 37 per cent.

Facility Services - 2011 in Review

In terms of Divisional performance Cleaning Services revenue rose 34.7 per cent to $433.8 million. Growth was skewed to the first half due to the Cleanevent acquisition and the growth in our Australian operations. Excluding the Cleanevent acquisition, organic revenue grew by 26 per cent.
There continues to be intense competition for new cleaning contracts so its pleasing that Spotless secured a number of key contracts during 2011. Disappointingly, Spotless was not successful in retaining the NSW Schools cleaning contract, as a result annual revenue will reduce by over $60 million, effective 1 July 2011.
Reported EBIT only grew by 1.4 per cent on the prior corresponding period, to $14.1 million, after expensing $1.3 million
in mobilisation costs. Profit growth was further limited due to increased labour costs and reduced scope of some contracts as our clients responded to tougher business conditions. In particular the New Zealand market has been slow to recover from the Global Financial Crisis and natural disasters have created additional margin pressures.
In 2011 Food Services revenue increased 8.2 per cent to $591 million.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011

Within the Hospitality and Retail Catering segment there was a 12 per cent increase in stadia revenue due to additional football events and concert tours. However, the business was adversely impacted by environmental factors, particularly the Christchurch earthquakes. Our long standing MCG catering contract was also renewed until 2016.
Spotless operates 92 airport retail outlets and in 2011 this segment grew by 8.5 per cent as new outlets opened and passenger numbers and customer spend rates increased.
The other focus for our food business is catering services to the business, education and aged care sectors. We have
525 client sites and they operate under the Alliance Catering brand. This business generated 2.4 per cent revenue growth in 2011.
Overall Food Services EBIT rose by 7 per cent to $19.8 million. Turning now to Laundry Services.
Revenue rose 6.7 per cent during the year to $248.8 million. This growth was driven by volume increases in the healthcare sector and the acquisition of a laundry operation from a major hospital group.
Health and Accommodation sectors are the key sources of revenue for this business and in 2011 we secured a number of new contracts. Demand for Garment rental services remains soft due to less activity at client sites - which is
disappointing given the higher margins associated with these services.
Laundry Services EBIT declined 1.4 per cent to $28.8 million, after expensing approximately $2 million in start-up costs relating to the new Brisbane laundry.
Our Managed Services business provides facilities management, asset maintenance and integrated services. In 2011 revenue, excluding pass through, rose 5.4 per cent to $1.1 billion.
We saw pleasing revenue growth in the Resources and Defence sectors and throughout our New Zealand operations, which now includes services to the New Zealand Defence Force, Department of Corrections and Housing New Zealand. The company also expanded our maintenance contract with New South Wales Schools, which has partly offset the loss of cleaning revenue with this client.
Managed Services Reported EBIT rose by 17.7 per cent in 2011 to $37.3 million. This growth was after expensing mobilisation costs for a number of integrated contracts and EBIT margins strengthened as the year progressed.
Our ability to manage complex multi-service mobilisations and provide quantifiable outcomes, gives Spotless competitive advantage and our Managed Services division is a great example of our strategy in action.
Perhaps the most compelling example of the company's business model is Public Private Partnerships; part of the
Managed Services portfolio. Spotless is a leading provider to PPP contracts in Australia.
We have secured nine PPPs. This month the new Royal Children's Hospital was opened and commissioned in Melbourne. Spotless is responsible for preserving and extending the asset life for the next 25 years - and our team played an important part in the design of the facility with our consortium partners.
Spotless also secured the new Royal Adelaide Hospital PPP in 2011. When this hospital is commissioned in 2016, it will be the largest and most technologically advanced hospital in Australia. Essentially Spotless will have total responsibility for non-clinical support services, and will protect the condition and useful life of the hospital to return to the State in 2046.
The current annual revenue from our PPP portfolio is approximately $60 million. This will more than double when the new Royal Adelaide Hospital comes online. PPPs provide a certain pool of revenue, and importantly, a wealth of knowledge that can be transferred across market sectors.
At 30 June 2011 the Managed Services revenue order book stood at $11.2 billion, up from $7.7 billion at 30 June 2010.


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011 International Services

Turning now to International Services - our Facility Services operations outside Australia and New Zealand.
International Services generated revenue of $63.8 million in FY11. These operations were not owned by Spotless in the prior corresponding period.
During the first half of FY11, Spotless completed the integration of Cleanevent and we acquired a UK based catering firm. Spotless invested $1.8 million during the first half to establish the business platform, and integrate the new businesses
into the Group.
Prior to start-up costs, International Services generated an Underlying EBIT of negative $0.7 million in 2011 but improved significantly in the second half.
Going forward our International Services business will focus on preferred geographies, such as the UK and will exit operations in the Middle East.
At the moment the team is preparing to support the 2012 London Olympic Games. Spotless will recruit and manage the accreditation of approximately 5,000 staff. We will provide cleaning, housekeeping, linen supply and laundry services for the athletes' village and to venues that have a combined capacity of 370,000 people.


Moving now to Braiform.
In 2011 hanger unit volumes declined by 5.8 per cent. This metric is a key driver in revenues and profitability. In US dollar terms, FY11 sales revenue declined 0.8 per cent on the prior corresponding period to US$219.3 million. When reported in Australian dollars, revenue fell 11.1 per cent to $222.8 million.
In US dollar terms, EBITDA decreased by 6.0 per cent to US$20.4 million. Higher non-cash depreciation and amortisation charges contributed to an EBIT decline to US$5.0 million from US$7.4 million in the prior year. When reported in Australian dollars, EBIT declined 42.9 per cent to $4.8 million.
Braiform has maintained the benefits of prior year efficiency initiatives. However, as noted previously, Braiform's volumes and revenues are subject to the health of retail markets. As you will hear in the Outlook, the timing and extent of a global economic recovery remains unclear.

Business and IT Platform

The Chairman spoke earlier about our investment in a new business and IT platform. I'd like to make a couple of additional comments.
This investment will produce more timely, better quality management support as well as contract delivery at a lower cost. It is really exciting to see an organisation go through the journey of integrating best practice processes, which will help us convert data to facilitate better operational management.


Safety continues to be a critically important issue for Spotless. From the Board and management through to a casual employee working a single shift the philosophy remains unchanged - all injuries are preventable.
During 2011 the company achieved a 12.4 per cent reduction in the Group's Reportable Injury Frequency Rate.
Our groupwide safety program and management framework, known as safety@spotless, is well aligned to meet the requirements of the Harmonisation of OH&S laws and legislation in Australia in 2012.
Safety@spotless is founded on the belief that every individual has a safety obligation - our staff, our clients, our contractors and the people that we engage with day-to-day. The program has been externally certified.
Our growth and continued operational excellence will only be possible because of our people. Therefore, their welfare, safety and ongoing training is paramount. For example, more than 1,300 Spotless people are currently undertaking a


ASX / NZX Announcement 18 November 2011

traineeship or apprenticeship to help ensure that our business has qualified, safe and appropriately remunerated employees for the long term.


Turning now to the Outlook for the balance of the financial year.
Our Facility Services business continues to strengthen across key market sectors. For example; last month we delivered food services to the Rugby World Cup, recently we mobilised a 5-year integrated village services and maintenance contract with ERA and right now we are delivering integrated cleaning and catering services to the 2011 Presidents Cup.
Overall, our new business pipeline is strong, although due to the timing of large integrated contract tenders new mobilisations have slowed. This means we expect less mobilisation costs in the first half relative to the prior year.
Key contracts mobilised last financial year are performing broadly in-line with our expectations. However, market competition and tight margins, and the investment in our new business & IT platform, is placing pressure on earnings. Clients in some sectors, namely retail and manufacturing, are exercising caution, which is resulting in less discretionary spending in certain contracts.
Year to date Facility Services EBIT, including International Services, is above the prior corresponding period. The London
Olympics contract and strong new business pipeline will drive a second half skew in our International Services results. On balance, we expect Facility Services to deliver earnings growth in FY12, weighted to the second half.
Macroeconomic conditions for Braiform are extremely soft and unpredictable. Retailers continue to report sales declines and this has created a further reduction in working capital and inventories throughout the supply chain. Year to date EBIT for Braiform has declined relative to this time last year which is indicating a possible small loss for the first half.
Braiform earnings are skewed to the second half because of the northern hemisphere summer and we expect this will be amplified in FY12 by further cost control and margin enhancement initiatives that we have put in place. The full year FY12 earnings result for Braiform will be largely influenced by the retail environment but we expect a positive result.
Therefore, in terms of the overall outlook for the Spotless Group, and subject to no further major deterioration in trading conditions, management continues to expect Spotless Group to deliver an improvement in earnings in FY12 relative to FY11.

Closing Comments

The most critical building block in our journey is sustained, profitable organic growth and as I said at the outset we are making good progress on our strategy.
In FY12 we will continue to drive our sector focus and we will invest in the Spotless brand and the associated value that comes from 65 years of deep service line expertise, commitment to innovation and incredible geographical reach.
On a personal note, thank you to Peter Smedley the Chairman, the Board, shareholders and the Spotless team for the support and contribution in 2011.
I will now hand back to the Chairman. ENDS