Singapore Press Holdings announced the appointment of Mr. Alvin Tay as managing editor of the English/Malay/Tamil Media group (EMTM) and Mr. Wong Wei Kong as editor of The Business Times (BT) from December 1, 2016. They will report to Mr. Warren Fernandez, editor-in-chief of EMTM and editor of The Straits Times. The appointments are part of leadership succession in EMTM, which includes the print and digital editions of ST, BT, The New Paper, Berita Harian, and their respective student publications. Mr. Tay will be assisted by Mr. S. Murali, 46, deputy managing editor, who will move from The New Paper. Mr. Tay will also work with Mr. Tan Ooi Boon, 48, EMTM's senior vice-president of business development.