Singapore Exchange Limited announced that upon the conclusion of its Twenty-Third Annual General Meeting held on 6 October 2022: Mr. Kevin Kwok, who retired from office by rotation at the AGM and did not offer himself for re-election after having served for more than 10 years on the Board, has ceased to be a member of the Audit Committee (AC), Nominating & Governance Committee (NGC) and Risk Management Committee (RMC); Dr. Beh Swan Gin, who was re-elected as a Director of the Company at the AGM, remains as the Lead Independent Director and Chairman of the NGC. With immediate effect following the conclusion of the AGM, he has stepped down from the RMC and is appointed as a member of the Remuneration & Staff Development Committee (RSDC); Ms Chew Gek Khim, who was re-elected as a Director of the Company at the AGM, remains as a member of the NGC and as a member of the RSDC; Ms Lim Sok Hui (Mrs Chng), who was re-elected as a Director of the Company at the AGM, remains as the Chairman of the RMC; Mr. Koh Boon Hwee, who was re-elected as a Director of the Company at the AGM, remains as a member of the AC. With immediate effect following the conclusion of the AGM, he is appointed as a member of the NGC and as a member of the RSDC; and Mr. Samuel Tsien, who was re-elected as a Director of the Company at the AGM, remains as a member of the RMC.

Mr. Mark Makepeace is appointed as a member of the RMC with immediate effect following the conclusion of the AGM. The Board considered Mr. Koh Boon Hwee as independent for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. All members of the AC are Non-Executive Directors of the Company.

Following from the above, the new composition of the Board and its Board committees is as set out below: Board of Directors: Mr. Kwa Chong Seng - Non-Executive Chairman and Non-Independent Director; Mr. Loh Boon Chye - Chief Executive Officer and Non-Independent Director; Dr Beh Swan Gin - Independent Non-Executive Director & Lead Independent Director; Ms Chew Gek Khim - Independent Non-Executive Director; Mr. Koh Boon Hwee - Independent Non-Executive Director; Mr. Lim Chin Hu - Independent Non-Executive Director; Ms Lim Sok Hui (Mrs Chng) - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Mr. Mark Makepeace - Independent Non-Executive Director; Mr. Samuel Tsien - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Prof. Subra Suresh - Independent Non-Executive Director; Mr. Yeoh Oon Jin - Independent Non-Executive Director. Audit Committee: Mr. Yeoh Oon Jin – Chairman; Mr. Koh Boon Hwee – Member; Mr. Mark Makepeace – Member. Nominating & Governance Committee: Dr. Beh Swan Gin – Chairman; Ms Chew Gek Khim – Member; Mr. Koh Boon Hwee – Member; Mr. Kwa Chong Seng – Member; Mr. Lim Chin Hu – Member; Prof. Subra Suresh – Member.

Remuneration & Staff Development Committee: Mr. Lim Chin Hu – Chairman; Dr. Beh Swan Gin – Member; Ms Chew Gek Khim – Member; Mr. Koh Boon Hwee – Member; Mr. Kwa Chong Seng – Member. Risk Management Committee: Ms Lim Sok Hui (Mrs Chng) – Chairman; Mr. Lim Chin Hu – Member; Mr. Mark Makepeace – Member; Mr. Samuel Tsien – Member; Mr. Yeoh Oon Jin – Member.