The board of directors of Sichuan Expressway Company Limited announced that the third meeting of the seventh session of the Board of the company was held on 17 January 2020. The Board appoint Mr. Gan Yongyi (the current vice chairman, executive Director and general manager) as the chairman of the seventh session of the Board, and concurrently, step down from the position of vice chairman; the chairman of the Strategic Committee; and a member of the Nomination Committee. In addition the board appoint Mr. Gao Jinkang a current independent non-executive Director) as the member of the Strategic Committee. The abovesaid appointments of Mr. Gan and Mr. Gao shall become effective from the date of this announcement and shall expire until the expiration of the term of the seventh session of the Board. Mr. Gan is a first-class architect and a professor-level senior engineer. Mr. Gan is currently a vice chairman of Chengdu Airport Expressway Company Limited, and an executive Director, chairman and general manager of the seventh session of the Board the Company and an authorized representative to communicate with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.