Calea Turzii nr.178K, Etaj 1,

Cluj-Napoca, România, PO: 400491

No. 818/21.01.2022


  • Financial Supervisory Authority
  • Bucharest Stock Exchange


According to the FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 and Law 24/2017 regarding the issuers of financial instruments and market operations

Report date: 21.01.2022

Name of issuing entity: CEMACON S.A.

Registered office: Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, no. 178K, 1st floor, Cluj county


Sole registration code with the Trade Register Office: RO 677858

Serial number with the Trade Register: J12/2466/2012

Subscribed and paid capital: 50.565.353,3 lei

Regulated market on which the securities issued are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange - Standard


Important event to report:

Publication of the Auditor Report regarding transactions with affiliates for 2nd Semester of 2021

In compliance with F.S.A. Regulation no. 5/2018 regarding Issuers of Financial Instruments and Market Operations, CEMACON S.A. submits for publication the Auditor Report regarding transactions with

affiliates during 2nd Semester of 2021. The report is also available on the company web site, at "Investors relation" section, "Current Reports" subsection, as well as in the link below.

Daniel Sologon

Chairman of the Board

Page 1 of 1

Deloitte Audit S.R.L.

Clădirea The Mark Tower,

Calea Griviței nr. 82-98,

Sector 1, 010735

București, România

Tel: +40 21 222 16 61

Fax: +40 21 222 16 60



To: Board of Directors,

of CEMACON S.A. recipient of the report

We have been contracted by CEMACON S.A (herein after referred to as "the Company" or "CEMACON") in order to report according to the requirements of Law no. 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations, as revised (herein after referred to "Law no. 24/2017") on the information included in the accompanying current report (no. 11805 from September 1, 2021) ("Current Report"), which was prepared by the Company in accordance with the article 108 from Law 24/2017, and the provisions of Regulation no. 5/2018 of the Financial Supervisory Authority (herein after referred to as "FSA"), to report to the FSA and the Bucharest Stock Exchange ("BSE") for the period July 01, 2021 - December 31, 2021, in the form of a limited assurance conclusion.

Specific Scope

The scope of our report is exclusively that laid down in the first paragraph hereof, and our report is prepared for the information of the Company, of the BSE and the FSA and shall not be used for any other purpose. Our report shall not be deemed adequate for use by any party that wishes to acquire rights towards us, other than the Company, for any purpose or in any context.

Any party other than the Company, which gains access to our report or a copy hereof and choses to rely on our report (or a portion hereof), shall do so on its own responsibility. Our engagement was conducted so as to report on such matters that we must report in an independent limited assurance report, and not for other purposes. This report refers only to the elements mentioned hereunder and does not extend to the Company's financial statements or other reports issued by the Company, individually or as a whole.

Management's Responsibility

The Company's management is responsible for the preparation of the Current Reports and conclusion of the transactions reported in accordance with Law no. 24/2017 and FSA Regulation no. 5/2018, as revised. Moreover, the Company's management is responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls that enable the preparation of Current Reports that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

The Company's management is also responsible to make sure that the supporting documents underlying the preparation of the Current Reports and evidence provided to the auditor are complete, correct and justified.

Auditor's Responsibility

We conducted our limited assurance engagement in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000 (Revised) - Assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information. This standard requires that we comply with ethical requirements, plan and perform the assurance engagement to obtain limited assurance about the Current Report.

Numele Deloitte se referă la organizația Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, o companie cu răspundere limitată din Marea Britanie, la firmele membre ale acesteia, în cadrul căreia fiecare firmă membră este o persoană juridică independentă. Pentru o descriere amănunțită a structurii legale a Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited și a firmelor membre, vă rugăm să accesați


Our firm applies International Standard on Quality Control 1 ("ISQC1") and, accordingly, maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants ("IESBA Code"), which is founded on fundamental principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour.

The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment and understanding of the reported transaction included in the Current report, and of other circumstances of the engagement, as well as on our considerations as to the areas where material misstatements might arise. In obtaining an understanding of the reported transaction included in the current report, we have taken into consideration the process used by the Company for concluding the transactions and preparing and presenting the current report in accordance with Law no. 24/2017 and FSA Regulation 5/2018, for the purpose of determining the assurance procedures applicable in the given circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing a conclusion on the efficacy of the process or of the Company's internal control for concluding the reported transaction included in the Current report and for preparing and presenting the Current report.

The procedures include, in particular, making enquiries of those in charge of financial reporting and risk management, as well as additional procedures aimed at obtaining evidence on the information included in the Current report.

The procedures of obtaining evidence in a limited assurance engagement vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent than for, a reasonable assurance engagement. Consequently, the level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is substantially lower than the assurance that would have been obtained had a reasonable assurance engagement been performed.

As regards the Company's current report, in order to assess the justified and correct nature of the transactions reported in such report, we have conducted the following procedures:

  1. We have obtained from the Company the accompanying Current report and details on the transactions included in such report.
  2. We have checked whether the persons approving such report are the Company's authorised representatives and requested the list of authorised signatures
  3. For the transactions analysed, presented in the Current report, we have determined whether the details thereof are consistent, in all material respects, with the information included in the signed contracts/ contractual agreements, made available to us, and whether they were signed by the Company's representatives, in accordance with the list of authorised signatures provided to us. Where applicable, we have checked whether the details included in the Current report match the documentation pertaining to such contracts: the parties who signed the supporting documents; the date when the documentation was signed and the nature thereof; description of the type of goods/services indicated in the documentation; the achieved or estimated aggregate value of the contracts and, where applicable, guarantees and penalties established, payment terms and methods, the related contractual terms and conditions.
  4. For the transactions analysed, we have checked whether the details presented in the accompanying Current report match the information obtained by us following the enquiries with the Company's management as well as with the documentation accompanying the contracts, as applicable.
  5. For the transactions analysed, to the extent there is a market price for the goods or services provided between the Company and its affiliates, we have discussed with the Company's management the pricing of such goods or services and whether, on a case by case basis, the agreed upon prices are consistent with those applied by other (third) parties for similar goods or services and whether the related contracts are approved by the board of directors or the supervisory board of the Company.
    If there are no market prices available, we have analysed whether such transactions are carried out based on the Company's internal procedures regarding the substantiation of the pricing and, respectively, whether the related contracts are approved by the Company's board of directors or supervisory board in accordance with its internal procedures.


Our procedures have been conducted only for the transactions included in the accompanying Current Report, which is related to the period July 01, 2021 - December 31, 2021. We have not conducted any procedures to check whether Current Report include all the transactions that the Company should report as per article 108 from Law 24/2017 for such period.


Our conclusion was formed on the basis of and considering the matters presented in this independent limited assurance report. Based on the procedures described above and the evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that:

a) the information included in the accompanying Current report is not consistent in all material respects with the supporting documents made available to us by the Company.

  1. the information included in the accompanying Current report is not consistent in all material respects with the requirements of Law no. 24/2017 and FSA Regulation 5/2018, as regards the signatories of the supporting documents; the date when the documentation was signed and the nature thereof; the description of the type of goods/services referred to in the documentation; the achieved or estimated aggregate value of the contracts, and, if applicable, guarantees and penalties established, payment terms and methods, the related contractual terms and conditions.
  2. the contracts underlying the transactions reported and analysed have not been duly authorised by the Company's representatives and have not been approved by the Company's board of directors and supervisory board.
  3. the prices agreed upon by the parties have not been mutually accepted based on the type of goods/services and other terms and conditions stipulated, as applicable, in the agreements between the parties and have not been determined according to the criteria mentioned at item 5) of the list of procedures herein above.

On behalf of:

Deloitte Audit SRL

Ana-Corina Dimitriu

For signature, please refer to the original

Romanian version.

Bucharest, Romania

January 20, 2022


1. Current Report forming the subject matter of this limited assurance report


Calea Turzii nr.178K, Etaj 1,

Cluj-Napoca, România, PO: 400491

Nr. 11805/01.09.2021


  • Financial Supervisory Authority
  • Bucharest Stock Exchange

According to the FSA Regulation no. 5/2018 and Law 24/2017 (R) regarding the issuers of financial instruments and market operations

Report date: 01.09.2021

Name of issuing entity: CEMACON S.A.

Registered office: Cluj-Napoca, Calea Turzii, no.178K, first floor, Cluj county


Sole regis tration code with the Trade Register Office: RO 677858

Serial number with the Trade Register: J12/2466/2012

Subscribed and paid capital: 50.565.353,3 lei

Regulated market on which the securities issued are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange - Standard category.

Important event to reported : In compliance with art. 108 from Law 24/2017 (R)

  • Legal act nature and closing date - 26.02.2021 - Addendum to sales-acquisition contract;
  • Contracting parties - CEMACON S.A. - provider and DEDEMAN SRL - aquisitor
  • Nature of the relationship: CEMACON SA and DEDEMAN SRL have the same majority shareholder
  • Scope of the agreement - Addendum for extension of the sales-acquisition contract
  • Total value - according to the buyer needs; on 31.08.2021, the 5% threshold was exceeded
  • Mutual receivables - the value of the currently bills;
  • Issued guarantee - none
  • Penalties - 0,04% from the value of invoice on each day
  • Terms and payment methods - weekly, base on th invoice

Liviu Ionel Stoleru

Chairman of the Board


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Cemacon SA published this content on 21 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 January 2022 09:31:07 UTC.