Sardar Chemical Industries Limited has undergone a significant change in its leadership as Sardar Mahmood Sadiq, the Chief Executive of the company, has officially stepped down from his position effective May 25, 2023. In his place, Mrs. Reema Ayaz has been appointed as the new Chief Executive. The decision to change the Chief Executive comes as part of the company's strategic plans to drive growth and foster innovation.

Sardar Mahmood Sadiq, who had held the position of Chief Executive for several years, played a crucial role in leading the company through various challenges and accomplishments. However, his departure marks a new chapter for Sardar Chemical Industries Limited. Mrs. Reema Ayaz, the newly appointed Chief Executive, brings with her a wealth of experience and a strong track record in the industry.

She is known for her exceptional leadership skills and strategic vision, which have contributed to the success of several organizations throughout her career. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, Mrs. Ayaz is expected to guide Sardar Chemical Industries Limited towards continued growth and profitability.