Notice of change of name Dear Client,

Hereby Joint-Stock Commercial Bank ROSBANK (Public Joint-Stock Company) (ROSBANK (PJSC JSCB), OGRN 1027739460737, INN 7730060164, state registration date 02.03.1993, address: 34, Mashy Poryvaevoy Street, Moscow, 107078, General License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation N 2272 (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) notifies you on change of its name in compliance with the resolution of the special General Meeting of Shareholders dated 15.12.2014 (Minutes N 49).

New full trade name of the Bank:
in Russian:                  Публичное акционерное общество РОСБАНК
in English:                   Public joint-stock company ROSBANK

New abbreviated trade name of the Bank:
in Russian:      ПАО РОСБАНК
in English:       PJSC ROSBANK

The change of the name of the Bank shall not terminate and change the existing obligations of the Bank, it shall not lead to change of the correspondent account and other payment details and the contact phone numbers of the Bank. 

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