PR Newswire/Les Echos/

January 11th , 2010

      Monthly information relating to Share Capital and Voting Rights
                  Outstanding as of December 31st , 2009

(Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the
General Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Corporate name and registration                             RHODIA
                                                       Société Anonyme
                                                 RCS of Nanterre 352 170 161
                                              Immeuble Coeur Défense - Tour A
                                               110 Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
                                                92400 Courbevoie, France
Number of shares outstanding                           101 087

Theoretical number of voting rights                    101 087 068

Number of voting rights exercisable 
at shareholders' meetings (1)                           99 965 284

Date                                              December 31st , 2009

(1) Number of voting rights exercisable at shareholders' meetings = theoretical
number of voting rights (i.e. total number of voting rights attached to the
shares composing the share capital) - number of shares whose voting rights have
been suspended.
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