RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. announced an update. RevoluPAY e-Wallet Linked Physical Prepaid Visa Launch January 15; RevoluPAY VCC Processing Expedia, Bookings Holdings, Agoda; RevoluCHARGE Pay-As-You-Go Mobile Top-Ups Update; RevoluVIP Update;PlayandTrain Addendum for RevoluVIP Travel Club; and RevoluEGAME Launched. RevoluPAY Visa Card Launch: The company has successfully completed a 20-country beta trial of the RevoluPAY e-Wallet linked proprietary physical Visa Card. The card has functioned flawlessly across: diverse ATM machines, POS in-store physical payments and, for online transactions. Issues surrounding the correct international delivery of SMS code related secure transactions has been solved via the reprogramming of the RevoluPAY app, which now allows secure in-app delivery of said codes instead of via SMS. The physical RevoluPAY branded Visa Cards will therefore begin shipping to users worldwide from January 15th 2020. The RevoluPAY physical international visa card facilitates worldwide utilization of the RevoluPAY App, permitting cash withdrawals from any ATM that accepts Visa worldwide, allied to POS payment at any location that accepts Visa and Online Payments. This functionality will give RevoluPAY app users an added layer of global financial autonomy, in those locations where NFC enabled POS devices and ATMs, for which the RevoluPAY app is already enabled, are not yet operational or, in jurisdictions where RevoluPAY does not yet possess a local cash-out partner. Expedia, Bookings Holding VCC And RevoluCHARGE Update: Following the previous monthly updates initiated in August 2019, the company would like to provide shareholders with continued insight into its revenue generating verticals RevoluPAY VCC Clearance and RevoluCHARGE for the month of December 2019. The unaudited December 2019 VCC turnover being approximately CAD 221,144. Likewise, pay-as-you-go phone top-ups an unaudited approximately CAD 99,483 during the same month. Shareholders are reminded that no meaningful marketing efforts have been dedicated to either vertical thus far. The growing user uptake of RevoluCHARGE and VCC continues to be largely by word-of-mouth. RevoluVIP Update: The nascent division of RevoluVIP attained an unaudited December 2019 turnover of approximately CAD 44,942. RevoluVIP – Play and Train: Further to the news release dated March 25th 2019, the company’s RevoluVIP Travel Club, has signed an updated addendum to grant individual Diamond Membership to the PlayandTrain association members, permitting the association members to purchase first year annual membership for EUR 55 (approx. CAD 80), thus proposing RevoluVIP and its discounted travel services to the now 29,000 members of PlayandTrain, which includes the family of people with disabilities. Subsequent annual renewal of membership will revert back to the regular EUR 220 (approx. CAD 320). In conjunction with PlayandTrain, the company is preparing a mass mailing to all 29,000 members, which it expects to disseminate this month. RevoluVIP intends to work with other world associations in this manner, extending the reach of the revolutionary travel platform to important social and, corporate travel, under definedfirst-year reduced membership dues or, corporate employee travel, under mass membership acquisition. RevoluVIP Presentation. RevoluEGAME Launches: Further to the news release dated 1 November 2019, the RevoluEGAME vertical launched successfully on December 20 2019. The new RevoluEGAME platform allows the worldwide selection and payment of entire mobile/console-based games and in-game play credits, for +3,000 of the most popular games worldwide, exclusively through RevoluPAY.