Revive Therapeutics Ltd. announced that Mr. Bernie Doyle will join the company as a Technical Advisor to support the development of the company's proposed proprietary patient-focused program enabled by blockchain and artificial intelligence dedicated to the medical cannabis sector. Bernie Doyle is a Certified Ethereum Blockchain Developer and owner of Refine Labs, a blockchain advisory, architecture and development company, and he is currently president of the Government Blockchain Association - Toronto chapter. With nearly 10 years of software development experience, Mr. Doyle has been also dedicated in delivering advanced educational presentations on ground-breaking software and cloud-based solutions, blockchain, distributed ledger technology and smart contracts for a number of sectors, including fintech and healthcare. Mr. Doyle is a thought leader in the field of blockchain and he is dedicated to being a leader in connecting and educating government, organizations, businesses and individuals about blockchain, and he is focused on developing novel uses of blockchain to a variety of sectors.