Resonant Inc. has become an official member of the Wi-Fi Alliance, a global non-profit industry association of companies who share a vision of seamless connectivity. Resonant’s proprietary XBAR® technology is ideally suited for high-frequency 5 and 6 GHz Wi-Fi applications, such as Wi-Fi 6E, a rapidly emerging segment of the market. Resonant is working to ship their first Wi-Fi 6E samples to customers in the first half of 2021, and recently announced that they secured a high-volume Wi-Fi socket with a Tier-1 Handset OEM. Radio frequency (RF) filters, such as those designed by Resonant, are components embedded into a smartphone that reject and accept the appropriate signals. As 5G continues to develop and grow in importance, so will the ways RF filters are utilized in everyday life beyond texting, calling or streaming your favorite movie on a smartphone. Soon RF filters will be sited into autonomous and electric vehicles that will help relay when your car is too close to an object, out of its traffic lane, or needs to stop, where speed is critical.