Relesys announced changes within the executive management team and structure of the Company. Mads Stoffer Larsen, current Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will be joining as new member of the Executive Management effective 1st of February 2022. Mads Stoffer Larsen has more than 12 years of experience working with accounting, finance, and management. With his background from advisory and with his practical finance mindset Mads is leading Relesys financial function and has a big part in Relesys' further growth and expansion. Jens Ole Lebeck, current Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) and member of the Executive Management will transition into a new role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) effective of 1st of February 2022. Jens Ole Lebeck has more than 20 years of experience in sales and management and has co-founded Relesys. In his new role, Jens Ole Lebeck will strengthen the operational capabilities of the organization ensuring the prerequisite efficiency for continued growth and internationalization. With Mads Stoffer Larsen joining as a member of the Executive Management, Relesys A/S Executive Management will consist of: Jesper Roesgaard, CEO; Jens Ole Lebeck, COO; Mads Stoffer Larsen, CFO.