Redline Communications Group Inc. announced that it has received a contract worth more than $1 million for the second phase of a wireless network to connect people and machines across an Argentinian oilfield. This expansion order will double the size of the current network, which is already bringing a ubiquitous umbrella of connectivity, and which has converted the customer's existing field operation into a truly digital oilfield. Redline's wide-area wireless Virtual Fiber(TM) solution is the backbone that provides connectivity for a wide range of applications, including the remote monitoring of well heads and collection and separation facilities.

The Redline network delivers the capacity to carry the operator's voice, data and video traffic on a single backbone, giving employees and contractors access to corporate systems from anywhere, delivering real-time drilling applications, and providing machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity for remote monitoring and management of assets. The ability to remotely and in real-time change parameters to optimize the rate of production at the well site increases uptime and optimizes production without adding additional costs.