(via NewsDirect)

Race Oncology Ltd (ASX:RAC) CEO and managing director Damian Clarke-Bruce speaks with Proactive soon after launching a new corporate strategy focused on maximising bisantrene’s anti-cancer and cardio-protective potential.

The company’s lead clinical focus will be on investigating anti-cancer, plus cardio-protective and FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated protein) properties in metastatic breast cancer, using the peripherally administered bisantrene formulation, RC220 with a view to improving therapeutic outcomes and heart health for patients with cancer.

Clarke-Bruce said: “Race’s revised development program has been designed in such a way that our new bisantrene formulation can fit straight into a global pharmaceutical partner's pipeline.

“Through our rigorous clinical development plan, Race will investigate bisantrene RC220 in both metastatic breast cancer and continue our clinical experience in AML, while investigating and expanding our knowledge of its mechanism of action.

“We have a clear regulatory pathway and a program that is supported by international key opinion leaders, for a drug candidate which has already been shown to improve patients’ lives.”

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Proactive Investors

Gregg Castano

+1 203-762-5649


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