BLP Equity Research (P) Limited made an offer to acquire 26% stake in Anisha Impex Limited (BSE:537785) for INR 51.3 million on January 11, 2018. Under the terms of transaction, BLP Equity Research (P) Limited offered to acquire 4.3 million shares at INR 12 each. As of January 18, 2018, the offer price was changed to INR 13 per share. The offer price is payable in cash and is subject to further revision. In a related transaction, Sangeeta Pareekh, Dinesh Pareekh and BLP Equity Research (P) Limited signed a share transfer agreement to acquire 23.4% stake in Anisha Impex Limited from Sunil Kumar Malik for INR 42.3 million. The acquisition will be financed through internal/personal resources. The buyer deposited INR 15 million in the escrow account opened with the escrow agent. The transaction is not conditional upon any minimum level of acceptance. Dinesh Singh Patwal and Puneet Bhawaker are the members of the Independent Directors Committee which has recommended to the shareholders of Anisha Impex Limited that the offer is fair and reasonable. The offer is expected to commence on March 9, 2018 and expire on March 22, 2018. As of March 13, 2018, the tender offer Period is modified and the offer will now commence on March 22, 2018 and end on April 6, 2018. As of March 21, 2018, pre offer advertisement has been filled. Radhika Pushkarna of D&A Financial Services (P) Limited acted as a manager to the offer, Share India Securities Limited acted as a broker and Jibu John of Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. acted as a registrar and Prince Jain of R. K Baheti & Co acted as accountant to BLP Equity Research (P) Limited. D&A Financial Services (P) Limited confirmed that the buyer has firm arrangements in place to fulfill the offer obligations.