Quanergy Systems, Inc. announced that Advancis will integrate Quanergy 3D LiDAR-based solutions into its WinGuard physical security information management (PSIM) software and the Advancis Open Platform (AOP). This will enable enhanced perimeter intrusion detection and people-counting applications for joint customers. Quanergy's M-Series sensors and Qortex DTC™ 3D perception software platform, enable reliable and real-time tracking of people and vehicles for security and smart space applications.

The WinGuard PSIM software platform can integrate multiple, proprietary security systems, controlling them through an extensive user interface. This gives the user the ability to detect incidences registered by different security and information systems – and they can resolve them with approved standardized procedures. Quanergy is a premium technology partner of Advancis which works in close partnership with a steadily increasing number of international technology partners.

Currently there are over 470 existing interface drivers to the systems and devices of best-of-breed vendors. To further improve partnerships, Advancis has established the Technology Partner Community.