On May 25, 2021, Baotou Dongbao Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. (SZSE:300239) closed the transaction. The company issued 72,728,875 shares at a price of CNY 5.60 per share for gross proceeds CNY 407,281,700. The transaction included participation from UBS AG, Investment Arm for CNY 11,999,999.20, Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. for CNY 12,999,980, Qingdao Gon Technology Co., Ltd. (SZSE:002768) for CNY 367,981,723.20, and individual investor Xie Kai for CNY 14,299,997.60.

The company paid an issuance expenses of CNY 10,588,219.76 brining net proceeds to CNY 396,693,480.24.