Purifloh Limited announced free radical generator technology to be trialed on Airborne Tuberculosis. PO3's exclusive research partner, Somnio Global to commence trialling Free Radical Generation based Air Purification in two hospitals in India. Trial duration set for one month and three to four months respectively; initiative is directly in line with PO3's strategy of applying FRG technology to large addressable markets; Trial to test the efficacy of FRG technology in destroying viable pathogenic Mycobacterium bio-aerosols in a clinical setting; Tuberculosis Bacteria (TB) is the world's deadliest infectious disease causing more deaths than HIV; Globally 10 million people developed TB disease in 2017 ­one third of these cases were in India; According to the World Health Organisation, the economic cost of TB is ~$21 billion per annum; Test equipment has arrived on site with test protocols developed initiaitves to commence early December. The aim of the trials is to demonstrate the efficacy of the FRG system in destroying viable pathogenic Mycobacterium bio-aerosols in a clinical/health care setting. Bio-aerosols are emitted during coughing, sneezing or speaking and are the main mode of transmission of Tuberculosis. According to the World Health Organisation's (WHO) 2018 Global Tuberculosis, the disease is one of the top ten causes of death globally and is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent, surpassing HIV/AIDS. The economic cost of the disease is estimated to be over $21 billion per year, including $9.2 billion spent on treatment and control activities with ~$12 billion in additional economic costs and lost productivity. In 2017, more than 10 million people developed Tuberculosis. Approximately one third of these were in India. The trials will take place in two highly regarded hospitals in Hyderabad, India and commence in the coming weeks. An initial trial will begin at the Government General and Chest Hospital and is expected to be conducted over a one month period. These initiatives are directly in line with PO3's strategy of applying the FRG technology to large scale challenges, including the tackling the risks presented by airborne infectious diseases within medical environments. PuriflOH looks forward to progressing this opportunity with two institutions that have significant history and experience in the management of this global health crisis. A positive outcome from these trials will help prove the value of the Air Purifier in the treatment of contaminated air within medical facilities, thereby strengthening PuriflOH's commercial value proposition.