4 November 2013

The Manager

Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Exchange Centre

Level 6, Bridge Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Scheme of Arrangement Implemented

PrimeAg Australia Limited (PrimeAg) announces that the Scheme of Arrangement between PrimeAg and its ordinary shareholders (other than Australian Food & Fibre Limited (AFF) and Dr David Robinson) has been implemented today.
All PrimeAg ordinary shares, which were not already held by AFF or Dr David Robinson on the
Record Date (28 October 2013) have today been transferred to AFF.
As per the announcement released on the ASX on 28 October 2013, PrimeAg shareholders will receive $0.4422 per PrimeAg Share, comprising the Emerald Distribution ($0.1159 per PrimeAg Share), the Final Distribution ($0.1570 per PrimeAg Share) and the Scheme Consideration ($0.1693 per PrimeAg Share).
Since the commencement of the sale and capital return process in October 2012, shareholders will receive, in total, $1.4522 for their PrimeAg shares.
PrimeAg will pay the Emerald Distribution, the Final Distribution and the scheme consideration within
5 business days by sending a cheque to each shareholder's registered address as shown in the Register or, for those scheme participants who have previously authorised the deposit of payments into a nominated bank account, by a direct deposit into that account.
In accordance with the Scheme Implementation Agreement, the PrimeAg board has accepted the nominations to the board of Dr David Robinson, John Robinson and Don Mackenzie, who will become directors effective at 4.59pm today. In addition, the current board of directors will resign, effective at
5.00pm today.
For further information, please call PrimeAg on + 61 7 4688 4588. Yours Sincerely
Samantha Macansh
Company Secretary

P r i m e A g A u s t r a l i a L i m i t e d ACN 127 984 123

T E L E P H O N E : 6 1 7 4 6 8 8 4 5 8 8 F A C S I M I L E : 6 1 7 4 6 1 3 0 2 3 0

S T R E E T A D D R E S S : 7 8 W e s t S t , T o o w o o m b a Q L D 4 3 5 0

P O S T A L A D D R E S S P O B O X 1 3 1 2 , T O O W O O M B A B U S I N E S S C E N T R E Q L D 4 3 5 0

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